Thread: Re-upholstery
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Old 11-10-2007, 07:14 PM   #12
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Re: Re-upholstery

Originally Posted by streetstar View Post
Very cool -- ESLL, what type of foam kit did you use for yours - it looks great- is that a real hide? It looks just like leather in the photos

Being that my truck is finished in satin black I decided to go with naugahyde as this I felt was more of an old school thang. Having said that there are different grades of naugahyde some costing as much as leather. The backing is the main difference of a good quality naugahyde verses poor quality. Any upholstery shop will be able to show you this.

I never used a foam kit. When my bench was stripped we were able to assess the condition of the stock foam. As is quite common the foam was not in good shape near the top so a foam knife was used to cut a 2' layer off the top of the foam for the seat bottom. Firm memory foam was installed and glued into place. The finished seat cover was then streched over it and hog ringed into place. The pleats were filled with the right amount of foam so a nice pleat contour was able to be achieved. All the piping is streched and not wavy, pleats are straight and brought to the finished edge of the piping for an unclutered appearence, all good signs of someone that knows their stuff. Notice also that one piece was used for the exposed back and bottom to add to the clean uncluttered look as well. You really want to stay a way from a lot of joining of materials as this is a place that will become weak and let go with wear. The back has a factory finish with new burlap to prevent springs pressing against the foam. As well I needed a couple of springs replaced that were broken and this was done by the upholstery shop as they have the spring material and just use your old spring as a template.

Sorry I seem to have rambled on .... I hope this helps to answer your questions and was not too long a read.

Tomorrow is for doing today's stuff.


This truck has just the right amount of energy for me!

Author: Warren Lake .... (member)

Last edited by EAST SIDE LOW LIFE; 11-11-2007 at 12:35 PM.
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