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Old 11-17-2007, 02:31 PM   #22
Suppose to be workin........
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Join Date: Jul 2001
Location: Shawnee, KS USA
Posts: 164
Re: Long distance towing with a car dolly

I hauled the '68 from NC back to KS on the trailer. A lot less to worry about for that long of a haul. No wear on the tires. The rear tires did overhang the sides of the trailer by a couple inches. Was not aware of a the wider one. Thanks timcos, I will try to remember that next time. The best though was when my last job moved me. They just drove my old truck in the back of the moving van. Good luck with your move.
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'68 C10
'70 C10
'72 LeMans
"03 Trailblazer
"Stupidity is like a skill, some are born with it and some develop it over a period of time."" Author unknown
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