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Old 12-07-2007, 11:29 PM   #6
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Re: Rams horns availability - New OEM

Originally Posted by RicksTrucks View Post
Busted my passenger side on my 69 SWB Thanksgiving week at deer camp. Backed over a large rock that pushed my exhaust pipe up and broke the exhaust manifold at the bend (it bends back to the rear). Thought that it was okay, got plenty back at the house. So had a loud drive home that day.

Got home and looked on my shelves of over 20 and didn't have any for the passenger side that bent back. Half of them were for the driver's side and the other half were the straight down ones.

Called the local dealership and they couldn't go back to 69. Called the bigger one in Tulsa and they said they don't make them any more. I know the last new OEM one that I bought a few years ago was for a later model and had to have plugs screwed into the emission holes. Anyone have a part number for one that may still be manufactured?

Since I needed the truck up quickly and didn't want to use a used one from one of my parts trucks, I ordered one from O'Reillys. Aftermarket, but seems to be just as heavy. It cost $111. I have seen some on eBay, new aftermarket, for $21 - but not sure of the quality.

i bought mine thru ebay. they seem to be fine. i have no complaints except when i ordered them. i got two lefts. and had to buy the right in order to get it coming intime for the exhaust system to be installed. and waited for my credit card to be credited.
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