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Old 12-08-2007, 05:26 PM   #1
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Location: Stockton, Ca
Posts: 128
Unhappy Drip Rail Leaking.. Quick Fix?

my drip rail is leaking from the driverside corner. i know its not from the windshield because its not going ON the windshield, its dripping from the top corner. I looked today on the top and it looks like it has some cracks on it, and it seems like little puddles get stuck up there and then drip by drip get my carpet soaked.

What can i do to fix this properly? and also is there something i can just do for the time being so my carpet doesnt get soaked. this is my first rain season with this truck, and where it gets wet, im guessing the previous owner did nothing about it because thats where its all rusted through.

any info woiuld help. if someone can tell me a quick fix right now before i go to work at 4 it would be greatly appreciated.

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