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Old 12-10-2007, 09:52 AM   #23
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Re: Which Security system to use??

Originally Posted by Olden Days View Post
This is not to offend anyone, but I dont see the value of dogs and guns when these threads come up. I have dogs and guns too but I know they wont do me any good when I am in the store/workplace and my truck is in the parking lot, or rest area, or if I hiked off to my fishing spot and had to leave my truck a quarter mile away.
See this is were you are wrong! Our trucks dont run or ever leave our yards. If they did were would the dogs sleep Point taken!

Originally Posted by SactoJim View Post
I say keep it stealthy......once the thief sees a blinking alarm light or an "alarm decal", it just pre-warns him of the obstacle. The more hoops you make him jump through to steal it, the less likely he will.

Have an electrical shut off switch (like what's require for race cars) hidden some place (Painless even makes one that uses a wireless remote), then a simple ignition cut off (easy with an HEI) switch hidden somewhere, Then maybe one of those steering wheel club things, and finally, a fuel cut off (easy with an electric pump, but a little more involved with a mechanical pump....but doable)

I think at this point he's gonna bail instead of trying to figure out the problem while it's in the middle of the road.

For what a nice alarm system costs, you could easily do all these mods for less and in my opinion have better protection.
Yep and I have done a few of these before and they worked great. I like to keep the motor cranking but just not fire as well. They won't start looking for a kill switch right off the bat before making some noise trying to start it.
I just thought of a good one Whey not wire up a simple relay that takes power from the starter and diverts it to the horn!! Then when they are trying to be quiet and steel your car they will be anything but
I like this one alot! Thanks guys for getting me thinking.

LFD Inc.

Last edited by Rokcrln; 12-10-2007 at 09:53 AM.
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