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Old 01-03-2008, 04:07 PM   #15
Old Skool Club
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Join Date: Jun 2001
Location: Benton, AR "The Heart of Arkansas"
Posts: 10,880
Re: New years resolutions.....

I resolve to keep living. I like it.

Remain semi-retired, if the money will let me.

Continue working on the vacant lot.

Oh, finish my truck, but it ain't all up to me. Oh yeah, pay the guy who's working on it. It's all good, though.

Eat. I like it, too.

Have a couple of beers before next New Year's Eve....sometime during the when it's really hot outside and I'm sweating and just finished the lawn....stuff like that.

Oh, I resolve to NOT have another stroke....they're NO fun at all. Mark "Have a stroke" off of your "Bucket List" of things to do before you die, aka "Kick the bucket"....but remember that a stroke can kill you. Trust me on this one.

Finally, I resolve to have fun. Life is too serious to not have a little fun along the way. It'll go a long ways toward your happiness. After all of the pain and disappointment in life, you die. Try to enjoy it, a little bit, every day. Find something, anything, and SMILE about it!!!
Member Nr. 2770

'96 GMC Sportside; 4.3/SLT - Daily driven....constantly needs washed.

'69 C-10 SWB; 350/TH400 - in limbo

The older I get, the better I was.

Last edited by ChevLoRay; 01-03-2008 at 04:12 PM.
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