Thread: 3/4 frame diff
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Old 01-10-2008, 05:43 PM   #3
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Re: 3/4 frame diff

can't because ,the truck was bought from a tow yard with a tow yard title.The guy i bought it from had 15 days to go get a title from washington state. He figured because he had a title and was not from washington he didn't need to apply for one in the state...He some how was able to bring it across the border with all the canadian stamps and such, but when i went to our insurance company , they said i could not show continuity of ownership from the guy the tow yard got the vehicle from to them my me..Any who , now i have a parts truck for the most i was going to buy a canadian truck..(dirt cheap) and frame with title....and swap the running gear into it instead. If i go theat route at least i won't have to have it inspected and go through that hassle....... what ever and learn.
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