crate motor search
My soon to be wife, doesn't look like she is going to be giving me back my new car anytime soon. bought it as a graduation present LAST MONTH. Her car's tranny just blew and it's not worth the 1800 to put a new tranny into a 91 626 with 230,000m. Anyway, after we get married next month we will have enough money for me to get a new motor for my "yet again" daily driver. Where is the best place to look for a 350-355 slighlty modified motor. I know i can go to GM and get a boreing one, but i would rather spend a little more money upfront and do the entire underhood swap at once. sorry it's so long, just need some advice.
1969 C10 350/POWERGLIDE
1991 1500 EXTCAB 350
Formally: collegeK5er