The most fool proof way to find a rear end gear ratio when you have the rear cover off is to count the # of teeth on the ring gear, then count the # of teeth on the pinion gear. Divide the # of ring gear teeth by the # of pinion gear teeth.
Example; 37 teeth on ring gear/9 teeth on pinion gear = 4.11
Another way if you have a buddy that can count (not your is to mark a spot on the drive shaft or U joint yoke at the rear end and make a mark on the ring gear. Have someone turn the drive shaft, counting turns while the other person counts the # of turns on the ring gear. IMPORTANT- the counting by both parties must not be done out loud. When the person counting the ring gear turns gets to 10, tell the other person to stop. Note his # of drive shaft turns. Then move the decimal one place to the left.
The ratio is how many turns of the pinion gear to 1 turn of the ring gear.
Using the above example; 10.0 turns of the ring gear, 41.1 turns of the pinion gear. moving the decimal one place to the left gives a ratio of 4.11 to 1, or a rear end rear of 4.11
This method works good when its hard to see/count the pinion gear teeth. This can also be done the other way around, someone turns the wheel 10 times while someone counts the # of drive shaft turns. Just don't be fooled by a slipping differiential.
[This message has been edited by ebfabman (edited March 24, 2002).]