brake bleed screw..
i really didn't know where to put i decide that my "home" was best.
i have a 94 honda civic race car that i race on weekends. i needed to bleed the brakes.
make a long story short, the bleed screw on one side broke off without any warning. (they are discs)
theres still a tiny bit of screw shwoing about eh caliper....i know that I will probably have to drill & tap it to see if i can save the caliper.
anybody know any tricks to getting something like this out?
Ive never really dont anything like this...are fine metal shavings bad to have in brake fluid (i would think so)
thanks for the tips guy,
PS if an administrator moves this, can you PM me so i know where you put it?
- Jason
If you can turn, Youre not going fast enough.
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first car to 200 mph in the 1/4 mile, no parachute, drum brakes all the way around..
..back when men were men.