Thread: door panel idea
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Old 02-25-2008, 09:41 AM   #11
I have a radical idea!
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Re: door panel idea

You're right, it is intended to be fogged.

The satin clearcoat may be a good idea, but PLEASE make sure you paint something else with the dye, let it dry, and then try it first. A lot of the newer higher quality vinyl dyes and spray paints have a lot of enamel in the mixture, and they will react like wrinkle finish paint when recoated after they have dried. Duplicolor paints are especially bad about this. It will look a lot worse with the dye all cracked up and blistered so I'd try it on a test piece to make sure it the satin clear doesn't react with the dye. If you do go with the clear, it will work best if you hold the can 12-14 inches away and fog the panels with several lights coats.
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