Sounds like you guys had fun, I wrote Jims phone number down and headed for Coatesville. Turns out I wrote the number down incorrectly and couldn't get a hold of anybody. So I cruised around Coatesville for awhile thinking I might stumble on to you guys, Coatesville is quite expansive, turned out to be a nice drive around cool Pa. farm country. I even had a home made jar of some sweet habanero salsa that we bottled up this year for Special-k, I kinda remember his hot sauce thread. Maybe I'll get time next weekend to stop in, I'll leave the salsa with Jim so when Special-K comes back for the other parts it will be there. It's cool to know that when I lived on the west coast there were forum members all around my locale, and here I moved to the other side of the country and there is a group of members around here too. The force is strong

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