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Old 03-05-2008, 05:48 PM   #6
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Re: My attempt at door repair

Originally Posted by rod86 View Post
well done to get this far. ti would flange and lap the skin but if you want to butweld then to keep the skins flat while weldin you have to keep the metal cool, dont let it heat up too much and tack weld evry 20mm / 1inch, then then go back an tack in between the tacks untill its all done . if it heats up too much then it starts warping an is a pain to fix.

does that skin sectino come with the inner attached? looks like it in the last pic.
What I was referring to, is how do I get the front surface of the new piece up to flush with the existing piece? Just laying it up there and eyeballing, it's not going to just sit there flush for me so I can weld it

I wish it came as one piece! -- I'll have to look into a flanger, but I'm still leaning towards butting this one. Seems like it would be easier to make things fit right with a butt weld???
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