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Old 03-14-2008, 08:22 PM   #29
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Re: G/f's gonna kill me

my wife is crazy...had my 87 mustang gt that I had tons of money in it and it got totalled by some non driving punk and all she did was complain about the money I spent on it all the time...after it got totalled I said I was done with cars for a while. Well for my birthday last year I come home to find a vlassic pickle jar green 71 c10 in front of our apartment. She picked it out and is super excited about this one. Cars parts for all ocassions and she even helped with the cab mounts and rebuilding the steering column. something really hot about a hot chick with grease on her, lol.
71 LWB c10- needs more work than I have money!
ASE certified Ford Master Tech
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