Tech: bed/bedstrip/bedside bolts
I recently removed 2 beds, and 4 bedsides.
If you have ever done this, it can be real tough.
All the bolts have a round head , and usually are rusted or the wood is rotten, so they just spin.
To make matters worse, they are up inside the cross rails, so it is difficult to cut them off.
After hours of cutting, grinding, torching, vice grips, and bolt cutters, I got all my stuff apart.
It was only after doing all this that I had a great idea that I will use whenever possible from now on.
I wirebrush / sand the heads of all the bolts
I stopped by the hardware store and got a bag of nuts.
They are just big enough to sit on top of the bed bolts.
Then I weld the nut to the top of the bolt.( I got bigger nuts, so you can weld a bead down inside the nut)
This helps out in two ways. 1- the heat from the weld helps loosen up the bolt. 2- now you have a nut that you can get a wrench to the top of the bolt.
Now you can go through and unbolt all the bed hardware, without worrying about damaging the parts with a torch or cutoff wheel.
I hope this helps some of you!
Last edited by jonzcustomshop; 03-25-2008 at 05:06 PM.
Reason: spalleng & punxeatian