Re: to good to be true
Originally Posted by wibilly
i was at the gas station tonight filling up my k20 when this hot little blond pulls up to the next pump, her friend, not as atractive, pumps there gas while she washes there window. all the while shes eyeballing my truck. even on her way in she's looking back checking it out but says nothing. now she may be only about 20 and me in my 40's but why should i let somthing like that stop me. so i go inside thinking i'm gonna strike up a conversation, i get in line behind her she pulls out a franklin to pay for there fuel then she reaches up on the counter and grabs a tin of snuff her friend hands her a lolly pop she had picked out and she says i don;t want that any more i'm gonna try this new snuff. needless to say i was no longer interested.they leave and the girl behind the counter[another hottie] looksatme andsays thats just wrong. i tell her i knew she was red neck by the way she gauked at my truck but i wasn't ready for that.
Hot chicks ALWAYS hang out with not so hot chicks, I think it makes them feel better about themselves, and the not so hot chick likes it 'cause she gets to talk to "hot guys" she would normally never get to talk to...because the hot chick is there to strike up a conversation.
Last edited by 67ChevyRedneck; 04-05-2008 at 07:35 PM.