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Old 04-06-2008, 03:56 AM   #23
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Re: to good to be true

not to steal your thread, but this makes me think of something that happened last fall. I go into a local zippymart to get a dr. pepper on the way home from work. the guy ahead of me at the counter throws a carton of chewing tobacco, and a case of beer on the counter, and hands the lady a hundred. she takes his money and casually says "looks like somebody's getting ready to watch a ballgame". the guy reaches for his change, and says "yes, i have been trying to get the old lady to quit this stuff, but she won't give it up". he smiles and heads for the door. and i am left facing the lady behind the counter who is watching the guy leave, with her mouth wide open !! the guy walks out the door and turns and you can see him as he gets just just out of her sight and busts a gut laughing. i almost lost it myself.!!!!
i survived cancer and kidney stones, but my kids are killing me.
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