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Old 04-13-2008, 01:12 AM   #4
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Re: Going To Look at My First Truck (maybe)

Originally Posted by chazmonro View Post
Its the salt... we salt the roads with a really nasty salt in the winter time. And they salt the instant it gets cold enough to freeze.

As for this truck, I was thinking of bringing a magnet and see if there are any spots where the it won't stick to the truck, the roof looks good, and so did the bed, I'm thinking this has to be a truck from out of state, because its... well its in one piece, so that must mean its from out of state.

I'm sure the floors are the most telling, for most vehicles of that era, the floors seemed to rust away.

The guy wants 5000 for it, I'm hoping to talk him down... but I don't think he'll come down very far seeing the sticker on the window says 6500. This alone may be a problem because thats far beyond my budget, but we'll see.

I'd do some more research and ask a few more questions before I'd drop much that on a truck. Seems like a big gamble right now especially if it's against your budget already. I'd almost bet for that much you can find a truck with solid cab corners, rockers and floor.
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