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Old 04-13-2008, 01:55 AM   #6
Longhorn Man
its all about the +6 inches
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Re: Going To Look at My First Truck (maybe)

they throw the salt and brine (way worse than salt) here too... but the vehicles from Illinois always seem worse.
It sounds like you have an idea what to look for.. .the bottoms of the doors are known for rotting out too. Look in the bottom corner where they sheet metal is wrapped around the frame, look to see if it looks like bondo, or painted rust, or real metal... I normally find that as a good place to look to see what kind of condition its in/what kind of body work has been done.
The fire wall is another place that rots out, and the kick panels inside the cab. If it has coil springs in the back, crawl under and take a real good look at the long trailing arms. Those are very hard to find in good shape in our part of the country, and would be a pretty good indication if it is from another part of the country.
If you can get pics of it from inside, underneath, under hood, and close ups of questionable body parts, we can help look it over on here.
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