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Old 04-13-2008, 03:34 AM   #7
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Posts: 4
Re: Going To Look at My First Truck (maybe)

I did look it over last week, not super close, but close enough that I didn't notice any of the tell tale signs, for example, I didn't look at the doors, thats a good tip, I probably would have thought of it, but thats why I ask.

I'll take lots of pics. But just by the condition of the majority of the truck, I'm thinking its not an illinois vehicle. But I could be wrong. I'll post some pics tomorrow.

Thanks for the welcome... These trucks are cool man, I've always dug them, though I don't understand the 3 door suburban, its cool and all, but why only 3 doors? I guess its like the old minivans, only a door on the passanger side...

That taho project in the suburban forum is awesome! I love the suburbans too.

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