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Old 04-14-2008, 06:08 PM   #9
see ten
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Re: Sat pics (4-12) At the dragstrip!

The only thing I ran against was the clock! I saw three different ways to access the property and the one I entered through was the only one that wasn't posted with NO TRESSPASSING signs. There were some people out in their yard across the road from where I pulled in so I was fully anticipating the arrival of local LEOs. I already had my back story working in my head of how I was shooting photos for historical documentation due to the impending final destruction due to the new church. I've got doubts about how well that would've went over but fortunatly I didn't have to find out. I guess it would have depended on the landowners. I think it's pretty difficult to be charged with tresspassing if the signs aren't posted where one can be seen while standing at the next (or at least that's what I've always been told about keeping hunters off our property). If signs aren't posted generally a warning has to be issued before you can be charged. At least that's what the police have always told me. Tell the tresspasser to leave and then call the LEOs. I feel that I'm always courteous of others property when I'm taking pics and I'm going to do what I can to avoid a trip to the local pokey. Anytime I'm shooting somewhere questionable I get in and out as quick as I can!
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