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Old 04-15-2008, 10:18 AM   #14
>130dB Moderator
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Re: Lets see those stereos...

Honestly, I couldn't tell you because I didn't build these ones, a local shop did. I know my old box cost me ~$100 in materials. The kick panels wouldn't be that hard to make. All they did was add a small spacer on one side of the mounting ring for the speakers and then fiberglass it.

For the kicks, I'd look at the Q-forms. They do the job, you don't have to cut into the body like I did, and they should cost less than having a local shop build a set.

The box should be easy to build. The basic construction is a very simple trapezoid type shape with beauty rings around the subs. The rings also come together in the center of the bowtie. The end caps might be a little harder to work with.
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