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Old 04-22-2008, 12:10 AM   #3
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Location: Independence MO
Posts: 19
Re: I need help....I'm stuck :(

Well I have kinda beat the ordeal. I decided to cut the shaft off the reg to allow it to fall inside the door...that worked! So here's what I discovered...hard to believe people like this have a job- I got the truck from my brother who wasn't using it much. He had the driver's window replaced after someone broke it out. I had asked if the window ever worked and he thought it did, but once the window guy had been done with his work and gone, my brother discovered it didn't work other than it rolled down about 2 inches and stopped, it was winter and he drove the thing about 1 mile to work literally so he wasn't sure if it worked before....I figured the rollers were gone and the crank flopped all over so it obviously needed a regulator. So today I got all the felts off and could see down in there..guess what? Super genious repair dude put the window in the glass holder about 2 inches too far back!! It was hitting the metal brace just down from the edge of the door. So I got it all out and decided I will get myself a whole regulator now that I have seen how worn the whole assembly is....Now to figure out how to get the glass out of the channel it sits in and move it to where it belongs. I know a glass person who needs a beatin in my book!
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