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Old 05-07-2008, 05:12 AM   #1
Foolish Mortal
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Dieseling help for a noob...

Hi guys...I've got most of the major issues with my 1969 resolved, now I'm trying to solve the "lesser" stuff (although, I'm not sure my engine "dieseling" when I try to turn it off is considered lesser or not :|). My engine periodically diesels when I turn it off. My question is this: Could there be some sort of tune up issue involved (timing, carb adj., etc.?) with it? I had a crappy fuel tank and rusted sending unit it when it was "restored" by the mechanic and I'm not sure if he would adjust the engine to compensate...

Whew...long winded way of asking: Where do I start to try to figure this thing out?

Thanks in advance!

Last edited by elektrik; 05-07-2008 at 05:12 AM.
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