Originally Posted by ed2552
It is an additive like any other, it is designed to be used in the fuel or crankcase, it helps keep everything lubed and break up deposits
You can also disconnet the vacuum line to the PCV valve, or brake booster, and suck into a running engine to clean up the intake system.
I used to work for repair shop that handled small equipment. The techs would use "Deep Creep" (Sea Foam in an aerosol can) to clean the carbs and intakes on small engines. It smoked the livin' dickens out of the shop, but it cleaned everything up real good.
I forget exactly how it was billed, but it was something like, "chemically clean intake and exhaust system."
I can't say exactly with whom the shop was contracted nationwide (about 1000 stores), but Tony Stewart might be able to tell you.