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Old 05-30-2008, 06:46 AM   #28
Longhorn Man
its all about the +6 inches
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Re: new family member

well, to an army guy, a grunt is infantry... ground pounders.
I was in ordinance... a mechanic. I worked on the M1 A1/A2 tanks, also the M88 A1/A2 recovery vehicle, and a whole slew of wheeled vehicles and a few assorted smaller tracks too.
But yeah, i was stationed at Ft Hood (killeen) for WAY longer than i ever wanted to be.
in korea, I was at Camp Casey... the town there was Tondechon... I'm sure the spelling is off (its been almost 10 years now) but it was sounded something like that. We usually just called it TDC. Most of the surrounding camps called Casey "land of the big PX"... which was the size or a real big truck stop.
I think not getting out and doing much my year there is about the only big regret I have (so far) in my life. (still young, plenty of time to do things I'll regret later)Like a lot of the guys there, I was just not "into" Korea at all, and since I was supporting a family on army e-4 pay and my at-the-time wife wasn't able to work... I didn't have any money to spend either. I joked that I was too buisy being broke to go have fun.
I did manage to go and have a little fun towards the end of my tour though. make sure your son isn't locked up in his room cussing that he is in a 3rd world country guarding the freedome of people who hate him. (common thing there) There's lots to see, lots to do, and it can be done cheap too if he is smart and learns how.
If you drink, ask him to bring you a combat bottle when he returns. (korean liquor)
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