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Old 06-02-2008, 10:38 PM   #1
Phone's ringin Dude.
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Does anybody else's truck hate their owners?

Okay, so I must be cursed. My truck has worked against me from day one. First, I paid WAY too much for it. It was an impulse eBay desicion, and I didn't know about the greatest web site in the world, that has not become my second home, but rather my first. No big deal, I'm over that. I drive home to my parents shop in Nebraska where she is at, a 500 mile round trip, any weekend that I have a chance. I thought I finaly had it ready to go for the Midwest Meet, then the steering column literaly fell apart on me at 3:30 in the morning while changing a turn signal switch. Not one to give up, I got up at 8:00 a.m. the next day filed down each spline on the column and wheel and put it back together. I took it to town to get some gas and was rewarded with pure driving bliss! She ran great, and rode like a dream. Got back to the shop to load my camping and fishing gear, and I smelled gas. Popped the hood. Fuel dripping out of the secondary throttle shaft. Insert lots of cuss words here. No big deal. Get a rebuild kit, work my butt off, and have it on the road in a couple of hours, right? Then I realized I was in podunk Nebraska (I'm not complaining, I love that place) and finding a rebuild kit for a Holley 4150 on a Saturday.....well, you can about imagine the outcome of that.

I guess my point is, well.... I don't know. I'm just real frustrated right now. I'm not giving up by any means, but if my truck was here, I would probably throw something at it. Okay, I'm done crying.
I pitty the fool with only two headlights!!


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