Thread: vaccum leak
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Old 06-28-2008, 06:38 PM   #6
Old Skool Club
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Re: vaccum leak

My truck had an Edelbrock 1401 on a stock intake, with an adapter, when I bought it. It, too, ran rich....burn your eyes!! When I replaced the intake with an Edelbrock and an Edelbrock 1901 (Q-Jet), the rich combustion odors went away. In fact, the combustion temps went up and I had to put a heat shield on the starter, due to heat soak.

If your carb is also a 1401, they are jetted rich, from the factory. Go to and you can access their tech pages, which will tell you waaaaaaay more than you probably want to know about all aspects of setting these carbs.
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'96 GMC Sportside; 4.3/SLT - Daily driven....constantly needs washed.

'69 C-10 SWB; 350/TH400 - in limbo

The older I get, the better I was.
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