Re: I'm a first time color sander. Help!
just thought i'd throw this out there even though most of you just do this as a hobby, At the body shop i work at we do all of our wet sanding the very next day after we paint and we use DA sanders. I bought a special finishing DA from Snap On that has a 3m hookit pad and 3m makes special wet sanding paper for the DA. We start out with 1500 grit and a spray bottle with water to remove all the dirt and orange peel then go over it once with 3000 grit which almost brings it to a shine and removes any swirl marks that the 1500 might have left. You just have to remember to keep the DA moving because it will sand through. Then we just follow the standard proceedures for buffing. We use 3m extra cut compound with a wool pad followed by there foam pad polish Buffing it as soon as we do makes it buff much easier also since the paint is still soft but you have to be a little more careful.