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Old 07-05-2008, 12:39 AM   #1
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Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Mont Belvieu, Texas
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Talking What are the odds????

I've been trying to get the title of my 67 SWB transfered into my name from the original owner. I was tired of dealing with the people at the tax office close to me so I went to a different office about 20 minutes away. As I'm standing in line for a while, getting frustrated, a guy got in line behind me. I notice he had paperwork to get antique tags. Curiosity made me ask him what kind of classic car he had. His response was great, "I have a 68 C10." After telling him I was trying to get the title done for my 67 C10, I mentioned the forum. He replied, "I've been a member for years, I even have a 69 suburban in the parking lot." My frustration with the wait changed to laughter, "What are the odds?" Harold it was nice meeting you.
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