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Old 08-03-2008, 11:04 PM   #4
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Re: Rear brake problem

Originally Posted by 68gmsee View Post
I'm assuming you have power brakes on this one. If you don't, is it possible that it's leaking into the carpet or somewhere inside the firewall?

If you don't see a leak then the only guess is that there's still some empty air space in the lines somewhere. Brake fluid can boil from brakes that get overheated due to some malfuntion, but as far as evaporating into thin air, I don't think that would be the case.

At this point, I would make absolutely sure that all of the air is out of the brake lines and monitor it carfully for leaks.
Yes it's got power brakes.I guess I forgot to add that yes I can see that it's leaking,I just can"t understand why the left rear only seems to be lasting about a couple months.
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