This really does blow chunks.I hate seeing such a nice truck macked-out in such an unavoidable circumstance.
Deer are really smart.They just have problems dealing with man`s encroachment and breaking up their paths with our roads.They have their instinctual patterns and can not change them to accomodate mankind.Roads are not natural to them.They can`t comprehend 60 mph and how fast something comes at you at that speed.They are used to being able to turn,dodge,and outrun most anything that threatens them.They can`t deal with hardtop and 60mph.There`s always going to be these cases where there`s just nothing we can do.But,understanding how a deer`s mind works surely helps avoid many collisions.That is our best defense against such a mishap.Not calling them stupid or wishing them all away.
In case you can`t tell,I love nature as much as I love these trucks,and that`s alot...ya think?