Re: electric water pump heater hose routing Q?
My alt. bracket bolted rite up to the 350 head, there is a small issue with the tensioner rod under the alt., seems like they counterbored it from the wrong side. I've asked March to send me one off the production line that wasn't bored and I will fix it..
The main reason, besides cleaning up the front of my engine, is space. I plan to run an OD trans, and now I can shift the whole powertrain forward 3-4 inches
My concern is the elec. motor will quit and I won't see it, so I have to put an idiot lt. on the dash that will get my attention, you can miss a gauge climbing very easily!
I think DC motors are reliable, brushes and bearings being the only thing that can fail. Mine has a 1 3/4" outlet on my pump, and I want to change it to 1 1/2" because it mite be hard to find the rubber adapter on the road
We'll see how it works out, can't say, as mine is a Garage Queen for the last 5 years, but if it doesn't I can switch back to a conventional pump
Semper Fi...Uncle Sam, you da man
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AS usual, off topic
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