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Old 08-15-2008, 06:37 PM   #2
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Re: Engine hard to start

Originally Posted by stope4 View Post
had to change my HEI module so i pulled the distributor and replaced the module and the coil at the same time. Once I got the truck started, I adjusted timing at around 8 degress based on mark on balancer. Since then the truck is very hard to start. The engine turns over real good but seems to flood and then smoke pours out of the carb without starting. I have to press the gas pedal to the floor and continue to try to start the engine. I keep the gas pedal floored and start trying to crank the engine. When I stop cranking the engine it putters to a start. I've adjusted timing numerous times all causing the engine to maybe start better but run worse. Can't seem to pinpoint problem. Any suggestions?
Sounds like a stuck or miss adjusted choke. Definitely a fuel problem if you have to hold the throttle open to get it to start.
69 Chevy 4x4 383 Power
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