Re: Different Ashtrays. Different Years. Whats the difference?
Originally Posted by desertrat
You guys never cease to amaze me in you're knowledge about these old trucks 
Sometimes its a blessing and curse all at the same time. When I read that, I spouted it off from memory with no hesitation. Other times, I couldn't tell you you what day it is! Sometimes I wish I could Right Click_Delete some of the useless information in my brain. Did you know that a 1966 Special High Performance 273 Chyrsler engine made 275 HP? I do, but I've never had one, never wanted one, and never even seen one. Why in h@$l do I know that?
Originally Posted by lpaine
Up until now I had no idea there was any difference with the ashtrays,I suppose the one's with the ball bearings would slide a little easier=more desirable?
Actually in my experience the ball bearing ones are the worst. If they are clean and lubed they do OK, but still not as smoothly as the sliders with a light grease on them.