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Old 09-20-2008, 01:53 PM   #5
Classic Heartbeat
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Re: To Reproduce or to Sell? (NOS 69-72 GMC Core Support) Thats the question!!

WES...I think you have answered your question. If there is a market for a part that is not avaliable then you have a built in customer base. Along with that I would private label these for other vendors to get more exposure. JMHO Good Luck.
Problem is, I wouldn't get an exclusive, because I can't aford to pay for that. Everybody that sell reproductions would be able to buy them. Examples: Blazer rocker boxes, rocker box end caps, blazer rear quarter front lower patch, suburban lower quarters, suburban taillight sections, Fleetside steel bottom rear tailpans, fleetside rear fender skirts, fleetside steel bottom cross sills, drip rails, and a few more parts that I am probably forgetting. All were parts that I have sent in to have reproduced, with no real return for me, other than the fact that I have them availible to sell now. However everyone else has them too, and they also are better able to market them, so they are the ones to proffit from it. This is why wherever possible I make the part myself.
Examples: Blazer Rocker Box Reinforcement panel, Blazer rear floor support, Blazer cargo area to floor step down patches, Cheyenne tailgate handle covers, 67-68 bucket seat bracket, radiator covers, electric fan shrouds, now working on the Blazer front lower quarter reinforcement panel. These are parts that I do, or at least have done localy as exclusive Classic Heartbeat parts.

If ya reproduce them would not the headlight buckets be the only thing ya need?
Yes that is realy all that is needed, however the manufacturer likes to have NOS pieces to use as a guide to make the reproductions.

The bottom line for me is I, like everyone else has to think about making a living. I guess that if I don't see a good proffit from it from reproducing it, then I guess I just as soon as sell it and use the money to help fund the 67 Panel Project. WES
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