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Old 09-23-2008, 08:05 AM   #22
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Re: To Reproduce or to Sell? (NOS 69-72 GMC Core Support) Thats the question!!

There are probably 100 Chev trucks for 1 GMC which makes good quality NOS GMC stuff rare. That is also tough to justify repop. Example--real nice GMC tailgates are hard to find but even harder to sell. I have a 67 driver quality --very straight and a real nice 72 full trimmed and for 4 days at a swap meet---with no price on the items--got very little interest! Oh I can list them on e-bay or the board but shipping them is more trouble then they are worth to me. I have some really nice GMC headlight buckets available but quite honestly, they too have gone to many swap meets with no interest. Would be more interested in a 67-68 headlight bucket solution for 69-72 rad supports.
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