Turn key 230 6 banger, free to a good home
Thats right, FREE! it's a high milage 230 6 banger, runs like a song, has good oil pressure and runs cool. It's tired and really dirty inside, has some stuck lifters and a fresh 1bbl carb, chome valve cover and side covers, and points ign. I drove the rig everyday and run when pulled out in favor of a V8 on 9/28/08. If you come get it, its yours. I will even load it for you. Has to be gone asap due to nowhere to store it.
If the life I live dont kill me, then I guess I'll never die!
New updated stuff at www.kdrodworks.com
My site still needs help, web guys and gals pm me.
the best guys in the whole world:
sweet70beast, jonzcustomshop, runninlow, captainfab, and the one I havent met yet, joe231