Originally Posted by 1972CST
"It should also be mentioned that there are two support braces that the 71-72 booster may have. They attach from the booster to the firewall for a bit of extra support. The donor truck I pulled the bracket from did not have them...someone else already took 'em. "
AJs72K5- I was wondering if the stock 1/2 ton braces would work w/ your new set up?
There are two braces, if you already have the longer bracket with your 1/2ton setup like I did then the one that mounts to the rear of the booster will work without mods. Now the second one that mounts to the front of the booster will be too short to reach the firewall. This is beacuse the 1ton booster is a "double pumper" = much wider than the 1/2 ton.
I used a thick spacer at the firewall to make up the diferrence....
My braking power doubled when I did the mod
