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Old 10-16-2008, 10:57 AM   #8
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Re: New Blazer 1972 - Got Questions ;-)

No offense taken.....and I HAVE used the search, been looking at this website for months now.

Call me lazy but if I can't find what I'm searching for in a couple of searches...I quit searching and start asking.

I know it seems redundant to keep answering the same questions over and over again.....and if it bothers you...please don't feel you have to respond.

I appreciate any and all help I can get.....but telling me to use the search feature is not the kind of help I'm looking for. I've already done that.

I have a message board that gets over 10,000 unique IP addresses a day, I deal with "newbies" all the comes with the territory.

People like me use these forums to get help and some people (like me) get tired of constantly searching and they start asking questions.

If I've come to the wrong forum.....I will quit looking for help here.

Now...back to the subject:

The approach angle is always a concern but with all the room under that bumper the winch can be pushed back and tucked up.

I have a winch/custom bumper on my 1991 F250 and my 1997 Jeep Cherokee and in both cases I have a better approach angle now than I had with factory bumpers.

Thanks for the input on the 4" lift and the 35's....I will certainly take a harder look at that because it affects my gear ratio also.

There is a program that gives me the factory gear ratio equivalent based on the tire size, so once I settle on tire size....I will know which gears to purchase.

With a TH350 I'm just looking for factory ratios because there is no overdrive.

Again....that is why I'm looking for see what others have done and find out if they are happy with the results.....BEFORE I make any of these modifications.

As for the throttle body.....I'm just regurgitating what my mechanic buddy tells me. He says it's a nightmare to tune at this altitude.....that is all I know right now....and why I'm asking.

Please don't take any of my comments wrong...I'm here looking for answers....I just don't need any search lessons.....I accuse myself of doing that already ;-)
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