Re: New Blazer 1972 - Got Questions ;-)
Originally Posted by vtblazer
Hey cool, I made the top 20 projects and builds, and another 5 years and it may be done
Not sure what axles your running, but it looks like 1/2 ton. I'd be worried about axle breakage and not having the ability to stop w/35's. Upgrade possible in the future? Good thread on here about 1 ton M/C upgrade on the cheap...
Best way to see the rust in the A post/cowl area is to pull the fenders
Semper Fi...Uncle Sam, you da man
All parts offered to help are free, unless otherwise noted
Dont try this stuff in my build thread, unless you have 55 years of mechanical OTJ training
AS usual, off topic
They say your mind goes second, can't remember the first
Last edited by jaros44sr; 10-16-2008 at 04:07 PM.