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Old 10-17-2008, 11:32 PM   #44
old Chevy guy
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Re: What's the strangest thing...

A guy I that I worked with about 14 years ago bought a toyota pickup for $500 off an old guy that did construction like backhoes and excavaters.The floor was full of dried mud from the guy getting in at job sites with muddy feet for about 10 years.So the guy decides to clean it out and takes out the seat and as he's cleaning out the cab he finds what looks like some money,under closer inspection it looks like a 100 doller bill.Under even closer inspection he see's that it's more than one all stuck together.He winds up bringing them to the bank and they send them somewere to get them apart and it turns out to be $800 worth of 100 doller bills.Pretty cool get a free truck and get paid $300 for cleaning it out!
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