Thread: Vibration
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Old 10-29-2008, 02:56 AM   #8
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Re: Vibration

tires right off the assembly line are not perfectly balanced and neither are your average rims. so we apply lead wieghts wether it be clip or stick on to even out the centrifigul force. you will notice tires being out of balance as the wear and the vehicle always feels smoother when you get your tires rotated and such..

another culprit could be water in your tires from a bad seperator in your aircompressor. mud inside your rims.

or even flat spots from the tires not being fully aired and sitting for too long between drives.

driveshaft could be the culprit being bent but i dont think that is your issue.
1969 C/10 Short Box:
496/T-56 in worx.

"To Be Old And Wise, First You Must Be Young And Stupid"
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