Thread: Military Tires
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Old 10-29-2008, 04:20 PM   #5
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Re: Military Tires

I bought a set of XZL 11R-16 from gov liqu. FYI they recently had a sale of 2,200 new ones. I don't know who bought them but they are out there somewhere. The 11's are around 38" tall the 20" are close to 45" the 16" x 20" are 54" tall. These tires are designed to run flat so the sidewall is very very heavy. They run 80 psi. They are noisy, but wear pretty well. If you get a set from gov liqu make plans to pick them up they are heavy and freight could be painful. Mine are around 110 lbs each. I like the tread and the look. I got mine for $380 for 5 of them. Mine were used with maybe 100 miles on them. If your going to wheel heavy I'd look at a lighter tire. There is so much stress don't to it with heavy tires. Just my 2 cents worth.
Good luck with your truck!

How much?! It's just an old truck part!!

49 International on a 80 GMC 3/4ton 4x4 chassis
48 International KB-5 2 ton dump bed
04 Honda CRF "500"
09 Honda CRF450 fuel injected rocket
03 Suzuki hayabusa carbonfiber wheeled monster.
02 Ford diesel stretch van (toy hauler)
01 38' Monaco diesel pusher motorhome

Last edited by cobinder; 11-09-2008 at 06:22 PM.
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