Thread: Joined the club
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Old 11-09-2008, 12:04 AM   #8
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Re: Joined the club

Corn the spindles are stock.....And i ran the belltech numbers off the front coils.....They are 3 inch drop coils for a 4cyl.......I reinstalled the factory front coils and pretty much everything up front new......I did not want to put money in this right away....But my wife and child will be driving in it.....So what ever it takes.......I replaced....Both coils...both rotors,brake pads, inner/outer wheel bearings.(dustseals)and calipers and new shocks....As far as the rear....From my tape.....the rear blocks measure 4 inches at the rear of the block......And there are 3 leafs out back with an over load.....The shocks are all but totally worn out, Which today i bought....As far as the twisting...? In the A.M i am going to Replace the rear rotors,calipers,pads.inner/outer wheel bearings.(dustseals)Got new shocks...And i am going to make sure all the U-Bolts are tight...? the only other thing i can think of as far as the twisting goes is,,Maybe a leaf has a worn out bushing.? or that the U-bolts are not torqued down.......IF this all checks out....I will just put some 2inch blocks in and go from there..........I will take pics in the A.M for before and After shots......And maybe you guys can point something out that i dont see????????? its been about ten years since i dealt with a S-series as far as lowering.......And i remember doing a 4inch block with no issues.........So i guess l will see.......The pic i posted above is just way to low......
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