Thread: Carb trouble
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Old 11-16-2008, 09:04 PM   #1
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Carb trouble

On steep inclide/declines I need to make sure I stay on the pedal or the truck stalls. I also have to pump the pedal LOTS when the truck sits for more than 3 or more days.

The carb is a Edelbrock 600 which is basically an old Carter AFBstyle. I have run AFB's before and had great luck. I was thinking doing a basic rebuild but don't want to wast my time if edelbrock turned the old AFB into a piece of junk.

Any clues?
72 GMC Jimmy, 350, sm465 np205 (getting a face lift)
64 Nova SS, 327 SC & gassed, TH350. (blowed it up)
84 HD FX frame,80 FL tins, evo with 85hp/90tq (wifes bike)
96 HD FatBoy evo with 102hp/100tq (mine!)
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