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Old 11-18-2008, 05:29 AM   #15
El Jay
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Re: Starter Question

Originally Posted by PanelDeland View Post
Any of the big chain dept parts stores are a crap shoot.The real "parts man" is what you're looking for.He may be employeed at any major chain or may be in a little mom and pop store(do they still have those?).He will be the guy who doesn't look up SBC parts,asks which flywheel you have and knows what a carb is."Parts boy" will be the guy who can find stuff on the shelves,he may have to look it up in the computer but when he does he knows how to find it on the shelf."Parts Boy" will most often be found near "Parts Man" because he knows he might learn if he watches and listens.If you are lucky enough to find "Parts Man" you will need to try to develop a friendship with him.He will learn and know your vehicle and will only ask which you are working on,he doesn't care if it has,power windows or door locks unless you need something for them.
At the entirely other end of the spectrum,you will find "Parts Moron",he knows how to use a computer but has little intrest in actually doing any work.He will most often be found,in the break room,stocking oil or following your 16 year old daughter thru the isle trying to get lucky.
Each of these three parts types also has the ability to use one of several different pricing structures(except maybe parts moron since he wasn't listening during training) based on different criteria.If you have been using the store for a while and have gotten to know "Parts Man" and/or "Parts Boy" they will usually give you a jobbers rate which can be about 40% cheaper in some cases.
This has been my expirience and seems to be holding true though the pricing stucture seems to be more equal than it used to.
You hit that nail on the head, Mr. Panel.
I'm lucky enough to have a "Mr. & Mrs. Parts Man" that own their own store.

Mr. Parts Man used to be a racer, so he is very fluent it SBC.

There are other advantages too.
Who else has had the store owner say something like, "Let's go look at it. You'll have to bring me back because YYYYY has the truck."
Then he told his helper, "I'll be back in a few minutes."

Then I took him to my house, he looked things over, gave me some advice, then I took him back to the store.

To me, things like that make all the difference in the world & keep me coming back.

Just a little tale & my .02.
'69 Chevy 1/2 T LWB Stepper: Daily Beater
'72 GMC 3/4 T Fleet: Another Daily Beater
'72 Plymouth Gran Coupe: ?

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