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Old 11-18-2008, 08:33 AM   #6
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Re: Factory installed rear gas tank?

Originally Posted by roger0080 View Post
Yes that is factory, but only in the year 1970 could could you get the Blazer fuel tank setup in a fleetside pickup as an auxiliary tank. It was "N18 AUXILIARY FUEL TANK" on the spid sticker.

In 1971/1972 they moved the auxiliary fuel tank to the front left of the box that you commonly see.

I would think a Blazer fuel tank would do it.

I would love to see that in a SPID because I have never seen any documentation to support this was a factory option. I would almost bet you a years membership to this sight that it was never a factory option. I will go through my 70 Dealers options manual to verify this. By what basis or documented facts are you sayng this was an option for a 1970 truck only? Just curious because there are things that I still do not know about my 70cst and this is new to me. I am always willing to learn and though I feel that I am correct I am always willing to be corrected when I am in error and I just might be wrong with my opinion. Thats why they call this forum the Chevy/GMC Class 101.
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Last edited by 70cst; 11-18-2008 at 08:35 AM.
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