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Old 11-21-2008, 01:08 PM   #11
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Re: 1969 3/4 ton breaking 4x4 hubs - need help

the easiest way is to just fix what you have. just pull the complete frt hub assembly off and check the brgs to see if there is a problem. the worst scenario is that the inner brg has gone and pounded out the inside of the hub where the seal and brg race goes. that will mean a new hub and brgs. if not just service the brgs and put it back on and go and buy yourself a new set of locking hubs for anywhere between 75 and $125.00 and away you go
if you do install a newer frt axle 73-87 you will als have to upgrade your m/c and install a proportioning valve.
you can find newer frt axles with the same ratio. but if you do change the frt axle you might as well do the back as the newre axles do have a much larger rear brakes
now just go and pull that frt wheel and find out what is wrong first before you have to alter your whole life plan
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