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Old 11-21-2008, 05:17 PM   #12
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Re: 1969 3/4 ton breaking 4x4 hubs - need help

Originally Posted by firefighter*17 View Post
Thanks Tim, if I do the axle swap won't that mess up the gear ratio thus having to replace the rear axle also? Is there a eaiser fix than a axle swap?

Thanks again for your help!
You need to find a used axle with the same ratio that you currently have.

Otherwise, a new set of lockouts with the correct bolts to hold them on might last you for a while. You need a really close fit between the bolts and the inside of the holes through the lockout. If there is any clearance in there, the lockout hub can (and will) rotate a little bit everytime you go from from drive to reverse or vice versa. It is this little bit of rotation (working against the heads of the bolts) that causes the bolts to come loose. I think the correct bolts actually have a pilot diameter with no threads (like a longer bolt normally would) up near the head of the bolt.
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